Saturday, December 18, 2010

October 3, 2009: Helsinki

Woke up to our final day in Helsinki. Our boat didn’t leave until the evening, so we had the afternoon to do what we wanted. We grabbed some breakfast – no Patti and Jim this time – and headed to Sumolina, an island fortress in the Helsinki Harbor. We took a ferry there from the downtown/market area. 

The island was pretty cool, the backside was all old houses, school, jails, etc., and then you walked around to the water side and saw a huge wall/berm lined with cannons so big I could climb inside. I did not climb inside. We spent a few hours on the island, got lost for a few minutes, then headed back to the hotel to pack up our stuff and head to the boat.

Took some time to get on the boat, but we got on, got to our room, and promptly headed out to find booze. We had a drink the headed to the top deck as the boat was leaving the harbor. 

The boat was huge and had a great view of the city as we left the port. Shannon hid inside because it was cold and windy and she was scared of the Japanese tourists, but I braved the elements and snapped some cool photos. 

Japanese tourists you say? Oh yes, lots of them as stereotypical as they get, excited, small, and taking lots of pictures with ridiculously fancy cameras. 

Actually, I think one of them took a picture of us, so that makes two photos of us not taking by my monkey arms.

There wasn’t much to see after the boat got away from the city and we like booze, so we headed into our dinner. There was a ton of food, everything you could imagine, fish, pasta, meat, cheese, salad, desserts, hell; there might have been Mexican food. Frankly, it was all pretty mediocre. I guess what can you expect from an all you can eat cruise buffet.

 After the dinner, we hit up a little bar in the boat. We also walked down to the lounge to watch some Finnish people sing American lounge classics. It was like being in Vegas in the 50s….except not at all. It was still pretty awesome. All the free beers were starting to kick in, so I took Shannon back to our room. I meant to lay down for a minute then head back out. Next thing you know, the sun is coming up. Whoops. I was kind of disappointed we fell asleep so early. I wanted to watch the Japanese tourists sing karaoke. Damn booze got us again.

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