Thursday, December 2, 2010

September 30, 2009: Copenhagen

We got up and decided to hit the gym to try and work off some of the hash from last night (did we jog Kastellen?). After that, we took a train to the suburbs of Copenhagen to visit the open air museum. It was a collection of reconstructed Dutch farmhouses from the last few centuries. It was pretty cool to see how all these people lived but eventually became a tad redundant. Once we were finished here, we headed back into town with our Copenhagen card to see some sites.

Old farmhouse
Windmills galore

These sites included the Spire Church, the Round Tower, Kristiania, and the inside of Christianborg Palace. Climbing the outside of the church tower was really cool, albeit a bit scary. You essentially climbed a centuries old wooden stair case (ok, it was probably refurbished at some point, but it was still small for my big feet) until you reached the outside of the golden steeple, where you climbed another 100 stairs to the top. It was a little scary to be open to the elements like that, but the views of the city were breathtaking. 

The Round Tower offered similar views from the other side of the city, although you were inside this time.

View from the Round Tower
The palace was full of old artifacts and all this beautiful hand-crafted work. It was amazing the kind of luxury royalty lived in, especially compared to the farm houses we saw earlier in the day.

Just your average run-of-the-mill chair
 We really got to crisscross the city and get a feel for it, taking the metro, the train, seeing different neighborhoods. We even stopped at a little bakery for some carrot cake and mini-pizza sort of thing. Delicious.

As our day was winding down as well as our time in Copenhagen, we deiced to stop at a local little bar for a drink. It was a total local place and they didn’t seem too fond of tourists (was this the day before?). No one said anything to us; it was just the vibe we got. After that we stopped at a little eco-friendly shop near the bar. Turns out the owner and his publicist were both Americans, so we had a nice little chat with them about living in Copenhagen, the Olympics, the States, etc. Finally we decided it was best to head back to the hotel, finish our food there, finish our laundry, and pack for tomorrow.
[did we do anything else here?]

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