Thursday, December 2, 2010

September 23, 2009: Chicago to Stockholm

Got up early and played basketball like a normal day. Headed home to take care of a few last minute preparations before leaving on vacation. And by few last minute preparations, I mean I hadn’t packed yet. I knew what I wanted to pack, so I wasn't too worried. I'd done a test run. NERD ALERT!

Oh yea, looking good.

So I took care of some things in the early morning and started packing in the late morning. I got everything in my bag,, seemed like I had too much, but I couldn’t figure out what to take out of the backpack, so I took it all. It’ll be fine as long as I don’t throw out my back. Shannon got home around noon, we had some lunch and headed out to the airport. Surprisingly, we left right on time and got to the airport with no major issues. We got all checked in and spent some time at our gate. I watched them loading up the plane outside. There seemed to be a lot of cargo, I wonder what they were shipping. I did not ask Shannon what she thought because I'm sure she didn't care.

Shannon is excited

We got on the flight and took off without any major delays. The plane seemed nice, but it probably standard for an international flight. Since this was my first international fight, I didn't have much to compare it with. We had a little video screen to play with to try and help pass the time. The leg room was decent, but not exactly comfortable for sleeping, no matter how many sleeping pills I took. The lady behind us who couldn’t stand up without yanking on our seats didn’t help matters either. They fed us an early dinner to try and put us to sleep I suppose. It was surprisingly good. Shannon dozed off after dinner and I tried to do the same with limited success. I probably should have had more beers. Eventually the time passed, they flipped on the lights for breakfast, and we landed shortly thereafter. Stockholm here we come!

By far the best part of the trip.

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